
De-/activate getfeature-request via button

I have an Openlayers3-map with more than one WMS-Layer. I want to add a button (for every queryable layer) so the user can decide to query the wms-layer or not.

var getfeature = function(click) {
    map.on(click, function (evt) {
        document.getElementById('info').innerHTML = '';
        var viewResolution = (view.getResolution());
        var url = wms_url.getGetFeatureInfoUrl(
            evt.coordinate, viewResolution, projection,
                'INFO_FORMAT': 'text/html'
        if (url) {
            document.getElementById('info').innerHTML =
                '<iframe seamless src="' + url + '"></iframe>';

This part works fine so far.

Now combine the getfeature-request with the "user-interface" (here just a checkbox)

var userquery = function() {
    var $input = $( this );
    //checkbox true/false
    if($input.prop("checked")) {
        //change cursor appearance
        map.getViewport().style.cursor = 'help';
        //getfeature-request on singleclick
    else {
        //change cursor appearance, when checkbox is unchecked
        map.getViewport().style.cursor = '';
        //WHAT TO DO HERE???

the checkbox with id="cursor10"

var checkbox = document.getElementById('cursor10');

and add the functionality via

checkbox.onchange = userquery;

At the moment the getfeature-function is continue working once it's activated.

What do I need to do, so the getfeature function will stop working when the checkbox is unchecked? Or any ideas for another approach?


  • You can use the unByKey() function to unregister the event listener of the map by its key


    var mapEventKey;
    var getfeature = function(click) {
        mapEventKey = map.on(click, function (evt) {
            document.getElementById('info').innerHTML = '';
            var viewResolution = (view.getResolution());
            var url = wms_url.getGetFeatureInfoUrl(
                evt.coordinate, viewResolution, projection_to,
                    'INFO_FORMAT': 'text/html'
            if (url) {
                document.getElementById('info').innerHTML =
                    '<iframe seamless src="' + url + '"></iframe>';
    var userquery = function() {
        var $input = $( this );
        //checkbox true/false
        if($input.prop("checked")) {
            //cursor ändern
            map.getViewport().style.cursor = 'help';
            //getfeatureabfrage bei einzelklick
        else {
            map.getViewport().style.cursor = '';