
How can I animate the fill of a path with Raphaël.js?

I am trying to use the hoverIntent.js with Raphaël.js at This Demo to handle the handlerIn function not immediately and waits until the user's mouse slows down enough before making the call of any function( like Hover) but I am getting this error:

Uncaught TypeError: Failed to execute 'animate' on 'Element': The provided value is not of type '(AnimationEffect or sequence<Dictionary>)'

enter image description here

Can you please let me know why this is happening? and does Raphaël.js has any built in function to do the same job?


  • Raphael has an animate function, so this should work if set correctly. The problem is 'this' will not be referring to a Raphael element, it will refer to a JQuery element, so we need to change this.

    We can do this with javascripts .bind() method, so here is an example how it would look if we wanted to apply it to every element (you can get rid of the loop if you only want to add it to a single element).

    This is the key bit (just look at the middle line, ie the function bind bit)..this means the Raphael element "boxes[el]" will be passed into 'this'.

    Object.keys( boxes ).forEach( function( el ) {
        $( boxes[ el ].node ).hoverIntent( hoverFunc.bind( boxes[ el ] ) );
    } );

    So the whole lot could look like this...

       var Draw = Raphael("canvas", 200, 200);
        var boxes = {
            BC: Draw.path("M50 50, L50,60, L60,60 L60,50 L50,50").attr({
                fill: "#000"
            ON: Draw.path("M70 70, L70,80, L80,80 L80,70 L70,70").attr({
                fill: "#000"
            NB: Draw.path("M90 90, L90,100, L100,100 L100,90 L90,90").attr({
                fill: "#000"
        function hoverFunc() {
                "fill": "#F38A03"
            }, 500);
        Object.keys( boxes ).forEach( function( el ) {
            $( boxes[ el ].node ).hoverIntent( hoverFunc.bind( boxes[ el ] ) );
        } );    


    jsfiddle with hover out