
Ionic --live-reload not running app on device

I can't see my ionic app on my phone when using the --live-reload parameter.

I am using Windows 8.1 and a connected Nexus 5 Android device. The app is the sample sidemenu app created with ionic start demo sidemenu.

When I run ionic run --live-reload, I first get presented by a list of possible IP addresses:

Multiple addresses available.
Please select which address to use by entering its number from the list below:
Note that the emulator/device must be able to access the given IP address
 1) (Wi-Fi)
 2) (VMware Network Adapter VMnet1)
 3) (VMware Network Adapter VMnet8)
 4) (VirtualBox Host-Only Network)

I choose option 1 - this is the IP address of my development PC, that is hosting the ionic server.

Ionic confirms this selection, and confirms it is serving to the ports as below:

Selected address:
Running live reload server:
Watching : [ 'www/**/*', '!www/lib/**/*' ]
Running dev server:

I confirmed that it is serving the page by opening Chrome on my PC and navigating to

When the app runs on the Android device, it first displays the splash screen, then shows the webview with the error:

Web page not available
The Web page at could not be loaded as:


This has also been reported on the Ionic forums:

As far as I can tell, I have opened up TCP ports 35729 & 8100 on my Windows machine (using Control Panel - Firewall settings).

What must I configure so that I can see my Ionic app on my device?


  • The above configuration was all correct.

    The ports needed to be open in Windows Firewall - but the missing step was requiring a reboot after updating the Firewall settings.

    After a reboot, everything is working correctly.