I have an application that rips aac+ audio streams, cutting them at every regular interval (i.e. 10 minutes). Sometimes files are playable OK, but sometimes, Windows Media Player just closes when trying to build DirectShow graph.
I am using Orban aacplus plugin, and it works under directshow. When I play this file with winamp or vlc, that have it's own aacplus decoding engine, it works fine. However, I need it to work under directshow.
Anyway, problematic file is here:
I know that there is frame alignment error and I confirmed my theory by filling first 256 bytes with 0x00, tried to play it again, and it worked.
Is there any info on aacplus frames available on the web, so I can try to find the beginning of the frame manually and cut the rest off?
Best stuff I could find is here:
and I came from here: