I am trying to make a linq query to pull all users in the membership with their profiles. Here is what I have gotten already:
Dim Mbrs = Membership.GetAllUsers
Dim Pros = ProfileManager.GetAllProfiles(ProfileAuthenticationOption.All)
Dim q = From mem In Mbrs Join pro In Pros On mem.UserName Equals
pro.UserName Select mem.email, mem.username, mem.islockedout,
pro.FirstName, pro.lastname, pro.city, pro.state, pro.zip, pro.type
If i take the profile stuff off the select, it will at least pull a list of members. What am I doind wrong??
Make a Class like this
Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic
Public Class Mems
Public Property FirstName As String = ""
Public Property LastName As String = ""
Public Property Address1 As String = ""
Public Property Address2 As String = ""
Public Property City As String = ""
Public Property State As System.Int32 = "0"
Public Property Zip As String = ""
Public Property Title As String = ""
Public Property Phone As System.Decimal = "0"
Public Property Id As System.Int32 = "0"
Public Property UserType As System.Int32 = "0"
Public Property SSN As System.Int32 = "0"
Public Property Email As String = ""
Public Property UserName As String = ""
Public Property IsLockedOut As Boolean = False
Private Loaded As Boolean = False
Public Sub New(usr As String)
End Sub
Public Sub New()
End Sub
Public Sub Save()
If Not Loaded Then Throw New Exception("No User Loaded")
Dim mm = Membership.GetUser(UserName)
mm.Email = Email
Dim p As ProfileCommon = New ProfileCommon
Dim pp = p.GetProfile(UserName)
pp.Address1 = Address1
pp.Address2 = Address2
pp.City = City
pp.FirstName = FirstName
pp.Id = Id
pp.LastName = LastName
pp.Phone = Phone
pp.SSN = SSN
pp.State = State
pp.Title = Title
pp.UserType = UserType
pp.Zip = Zip
End Sub
Public Sub GetMem(usr As String)
If usr.Length = 0 Then
FirstName = "SYSTEM"
Dim mm = Membership.GetUser(usr)
Email = mm.Email
IsLockedOut = mm.IsLockedOut
Dim p As ProfileCommon = New ProfileCommon
Dim pp = p.GetProfile(usr)
Address1 = pp.Address1
Address2 = pp.Address2
City = pp.City
FirstName = pp.FirstName
Id = pp.Id
LastName = pp.LastName
Phone = pp.Phone
SSN = pp.SSN
State = pp.State
Title = pp.Title
UserType = pp.UserType
Zip = pp.Zip
UserName = usr
Loaded = True
'Catch ex As Exception
' End Try
End If
End Sub
Public Function ChangeUsername(uTo As String) As Integer
If Loaded Then
Return ChangeUsername(UserName, uTo)
Throw New Exception("No User Loaded")
End If
End Function
Public Function ChangeUsername(uFrom As String, uTo As String) As Integer
If Membership.FindUsersByName(uFrom).Count = 0 Then
Throw New Exception("Original UserName Don't Exists")
ElseIf Membership.FindUsersByName(uTo).Count = 1 Then
Throw New Exception("Target UserName Don't Exists")
Dim myDb As New MyDbDataContext
Dim q = (From u In myDb.aspnet_Users Where u.UserName = uFrom And u.ApplicationId.Equals("72e4b882-e471-4f4b-b161-af0abbcb8487") Select u).Single
q.UserName = uTo
q.LoweredUserName = uTo.ToLower
Return 1
Catch ex As Exception
Return 0
End Try
End If
End Function
End Class
then you can call it from a functions like this
Public Shared Function GetMems() As List(Of Mems)
GetMems = New List(Of Mems)
Dim mm = Membership.GetAllUsers
For Each mbr As MembershipUser In mm
GetMems.Add(New Mems(mbr.UserName))
Return GetMems
End Function