I have a Telerik grid in which based on whether my IsTrue value is true or false, I need to set the font-weight of Name text in only that particular row to bold. I tried the following but I seem to be missing something.
columns.Bound(d => d.IsTrue).Width(0).HtmlAttributes(new { id="hdnIsTrue", style = "visibility:hidden;" });
columns.Bound(d => d.Name).ClientTemplate("#<#= hdnIsTrue ? font-weight : bold : font-weight : normal #>#" + "# } #")
I modified my code to the following with help from the post: Telerik MVC Grid making a Column Red Color based on Other Column Value
.Columns(columns =>
{columns.Bound(d => d.IsTrue).Width(0);
columns.Bound(d => d.Name).Title("Name).Width(200).HtmlAttributes(new { style = "font-weight:normal;" });
}).CellAction(cell => {
if (cell.Column.Title == "Name"){
var item = cell.DataItem;
if(item.IsTrue) {
cell.HtmlAttributes["style"] = "font-weight : bold;";