According to this answer, I have to run a raw query if I want to update an enum
in MySQL. But with PostgreSQL, I can't use this query, and enum type for PostgreSQL in Laravel seems strange.
Is there any way to update enum in a migration for postgreSQL ?
Laravel use constraint on character varying
for enum
Assuming there is a table mytable
with an enum column status
, we have to drop the constraint (named tablename_columnname_check) then add it in a migration like this:
DB::transaction(function () {
DB::statement('ALTER TABLE mytable DROP CONSTRAINT mytable_status_check;');
DB::statement('ALTER TABLE mytable ADD CONSTRAINT mytable_status_check CHECK (status::TEXT = ANY (ARRAY[\'pending\'::CHARACTER VARYING, \'accepted\'::CHARACTER VARYING, \'canceled\'::CHARACTER VARYING]::TEXT[]))');
It solves the problem, hope it can help!