
Is the meaning of all the tags / properties usable in a Publish Profile (.pubxml) documented anywhere?

When you create a new .pubxml in Visual Studio, it has a set of basic properties defined under the top-level PropertyGroup element (e.g. properties WebPublishMethod, DeployIisAppPath, etc.). But I've found it hard to find any documentation for exactly what those properties mean, let alone a reference for the full set of optional tags/properties that one might be able to use in a profile. Does such documentation exist? So far the only method available for learning about a lot of the tags/properties is to see at other people's example .pubxml files.

Hopefully someone can prove me wrong, but it seems hard to surface such docs by, say, googling.


  • Probably the best source of information is the Microsoft.Web.Publishing.targets file (found in C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft\VisualStudio\v14.0\Web\ - adjust the v14 to v10 or v12 for your version of Visual Studio)

    There are some comments in this file, as well as the fact that this is the MSBuild file that uses those property values - so even if a particular property isn't commented, you might be able to figure out their purpose.