I am trying yto select a column from my DB where the stockid is equal to the inputted stockid from the user. This is my code below:
$stockid = $_POST['item'];
//get the current balance of the selected item
$sqlbal = "SELECT * FROM db.nonperi where nonperi.stockid = '$stockid'";
$resultbal = $conn-> query($sqlbal);
if ($resultbal-> num_rows > 0)
while ($row = $resultbal -> fetch_assoc())
$currbal = $row['bal'];
I know that the code is correct, however, upon checking in DB, the stockid is equivalent to '2015123' but the $stockid that was posted in this page for this code is '02015123'. That is why it returns nothing.
Is there any code/way to force sql to see them as the same/equal? I appreciate any help about this.
You are passing the stockid as a string (but want it to behave like an integer). Try
$stockid = intval($_POST['item']);
$sqlbal = "SELECT * FROM db.nonperi where nonperi.stockid = $stockid";
(That also secures your code to prevent SQL injection)