I have created a simple controller (the code below is obfuscated and simplified, assume ask returns a future with a message). What I am trying to do is change the HTTP code from something other than 200 (based on the actor result).
When executing the code below I see the result come back as expected, but with 200 instead of 404
get("/:id") {
new AsyncResult() {
val is: Future[_] = ask(actor, message)(timeout.toMillis)
is.onComplete { res =>
res match {
case Success(result:Any) => NotFound(result) //Not found is just an example of a different HTTP code other than 200
another attempt was
case Success(result:Any) => {
this.status_ = (404)
In this case, I receive a NullPointerException because the response
(HTTPServletResponse) is null, due to the fact that the response is on a separate thread.
How can one conditionally change the HTTP code of an AsyncResult/Future in Scalatra?
Scala 2.11.6
Scalatra 2.3.0
Akka 2.3.9
After some digging in the Scalatra FutureSupport
mixin, I found:
implicit val response: HttpServletResponse = scalatraContext.response
defined as a member of AsyncResult
which allows me change the status code of the HTTP request inside the onComplete callback.