
Perl Debugging Using Flags

So my goal is to find an easy way to turn on print statements in Perl using a flag. In C/C++ you can use a #define to choose if certain code is run and it is a way to turn on and off debug print statements. If a #define DEBUG is defined, then you print something, else you run it without the print statements. I was wondering if there was an easy way to do this in Perl.

Here is an example of how it would work:

for($i = 0 ; $i < 10; $i++){
    if(debug flag){
         print some info;
    do operational stuff.

Now from the command line you could do one of two things:

1.Run without the debug print statements 

2.Run with debug print statements -debug

Or if someone has a better idea please let me know!


  • In perl, compile time is also run time. So there's really not a great deal of advantage in using #define type statements.

    My usual trick is:

    my $debug = 0; 
    $debug += scalar grep ( "-d", @ARGV ); 

    (GetOpt is probably honestly a better plan though)

    And then use:

    print if $debug;
    print $statement if $debug > 2;

    Which means I've an easy way of setting the verbosity, and also allowing me to be selective about it by incrementing the statements.

    Sometimes I'll embed a signal handler to also adjust debugging level -

    use strict;
    use warnings;
    my $debug = 0; 
    $debug += scalar grep ( "-d", @ARGV ); 
    $SIG{'USR1'} = { $debug++ };
    $SIG{'USR2'} = { $debug-- };
    while ( 1 ) {
        print "Debugging at: $debug\n";
        sleep 1;

    It's more a question of what sort of code I'm writing - this latter I particularly like when doing forky stuff, because then I can adjust debug levels in each fork independently and on the fly.