
VBA Code for Making Entire Rows Bold based on a Cell value in the Query table

I have a table in the range (G15:AL540) generated through SAP Query. I need to make all the rows Bold if the Cells in Column L Contains the word "Main Investigation". I did it using Conditional Formatting (=$L16="Main investigation") and it worked. But I need to write it in VBA, so that this formatting is applied automatically when the Query is refreshed.



  • This will only work for active sheet, change activesheet to sheets("sheetabc") to reference another sheet

    Sub test()
    With ActiveSheet
        For Each cell In .Range("G15:" & .Range("G15").End(xlDown).Address)
            If .Cells(cell.Row, 12).Value = "Main investigation" Then
                cell.EntireRow.Font.Bold = True
            End If
    End With
    End Sub