I just started using Appgyver's Platform: Supersonic and Composer. I have set my login screen and what it does is upon confirmation that the user is indeed a user, it redirects it to another page. I used supersonic.ui.initialView.dismiss() to achieve that.
Now I need to store data locally so that I can continuously access it for extending functionality. Any idea, reference links or so on?
Use localStorage
on the phone. You can get/set/delete localStorage items easily.
Here is a doc on Appgyver.
Here is an example of storing latitude and longitude:
var coords = {
lat : 'some value',
lon : 'some other value'
localStorage.setItem('NameOfApp_coords', JSON.stringify(coords));
And getting the item from localStorage:
var coords = localStorage.getItem('NameOfApp_coords');
if(typeof coords !== undefined) {
parsedCoords = JSON.parse(coords);
You can remove items as well: