I found this link how to create tool bar above keyboard. But I don't use any textfield that I need to tap and show keyboard. My idea is press on "Leave comment" button and then keyboard with a text field will be appeared.
So in the link I've attached they seems use inputAccessoryView of text field you interact with. But in my case I don't have any text field.
So first of all I need to toggle keyboard without text field and then show keyboard with a textfield like a bar above keyboard. How can I make it?
Hello you need to put your UITextfield
outside the View,
like this:
@property (strong, nonatomic) IBOutlet UITextField *_myTextField;
UITextField *t = [UITextField new];
[self.view addSubview:t];
[t becomeFirstResponder];
t.inputAccessoryView = _myTextField;
see the result: