I have created two different layouts (with bootstrap) on the same page. One for mobile, one for desktop. Website has different pages with complex structure. Some of blocks should be visible only in desktop and vice-versa.
Here is an example page: (other pages are different, but has the same problems)
Title A, Title N... are links, they:
There is no problems, everything works. But... I am afraid that website will be blacklisted by Google.
Yes, it will be easier to put content on page and just let user scroll on desktop and mobile versions without any hidden content and popovers, but this website needs to be created as designed.
Now i have two different ideas to avoid problems with SEO.
So, how you usually solve similar tasks?
There are no problems. Don't worry!
It is natural. Google can crawl both mobile and desktop elements and can detect difference of hidden content from mobile view and desktop view.
Also any hidden content does not give any problems for SEO. Just hidden links and contents for Black-Hat purposes (for example cloaking) are bad for SEO.
So don't worry. Keep your hidden contents and stay in your current way.
Also, follow these guides for choosing the best methods of designing responsive website:
https://developers.google.com/webmasters/mobile-sites/?hl=en https://developers.google.com/web/fundamentals/layouts/rwd-fundamentals/index.html?hl=en https://developers.google.com/webmasters/mobile-sites/mobile-seo/configurations/responsive-design?hl=en
And check your site here: