
ERROR: column of relation does not exist PostgreSQL ,Unable to run insert query

Hi I am trying to insert into a table tester3 it fails when i use the below syntax

insert into tester3 (UN0, UN1) values ( 1, 'jishnu1');

but below insert

insert into tester3 values ( 1, 'jishnu1');

works fine.

mydb=# CREATE TABLE tester3
mydb-#    (
mydb(#     "UN0" integer,
mydb(#     "UN1" VARCHAR(40)
mydb(#    );
mydb=# insert into tester3 (UN0, UN1) values ( 1, 'jishnu1');
ERROR:  column "un0" of relation "tester3" does not exist
mydb=# \d tester3
           Table "public.tester3"
 Column |         Type          | Modifiers
 UN0    | integer               |
 UN1    | character varying(40) |

I think i am missing something very trivial, I tried several other column names some of them works fine and some are not. I am confused.

Does PostgreSQL have restriction in column names for which the first syntax of insert query works?

Edit :

Checkout Girdon Linoff's answer here , as Frank Heikens pointed out the other column names which were working without quotes were in lower case.

Lower case column is the standard within PostgreSQL and also works without quotes


  • If you define the columns with double quotes, then you generally need to use them when you refer to the column:

    insert into tester3 ("UN0", "UN1")
         values ( 1, 'jishnu1');

    I would suggest you remove the double quotes from the column names in the CREATE TABLE statement.

    You don't need the double quotes if the name is all lower case.