
Meteor override the click event of an element in a package

I am trying to override the button click event for autoform-remove-item button as shown below, as I am trying to show a warning message ( before ) the user can remove any item in the Autoform array. Then if the user confirmed the item removal then the button click event shall continue normally. But I can't figure out how to override the click event of the button in a way to pause code below it (which I have no access to) until the user confirm / reject the deletion? Any help what I might be missing here? Thanks{
       'click .autoform-remove-item': function(e){


              message: "Are you sure you wish to delete this item?",
              title: "New Journal",
              buttons: {
                eraseRecord: {
                  label: "Yes!",
                  className: "btn-danger",
                  callback: function() {

                doNotEraseRecord: {
                  label: "No!",
                  className: "btn-primary",
                  callback: function() {
                    //Continue with the normal button click event                




The click event I am trying to override:

      'click .autoform-remove-item': function autoFormClickRemoveItem(event, template) {
        var self = this; // This type of button must be used within an afEachArrayItem block, so we know the context


        var name = self.arrayFieldName;
        var minCount = self.minCount; // optional, overrides schema
        var maxCount = self.maxCount; // optional, overrides schema
        var index = self.index;
        var data =;
        var formId = data &&;
        var ss = AutoForm.getFormSchema(formId);

        // remove the item we clicked
        arrayTracker.removeFromFieldAtIndex(formId, name, index, ss, minCount, maxCount);


  • Can't you just show the bootbox confirm in the code where the collection is removed? Then only remove it from the collection when the user confirms it. For example, I think this should help:

      'click .autoform-remove-item': function autoFormClickRemoveItem(event, template) {
              message: "Are you sure you wish to delete this item?",
              title: "New Journal",
              buttons: {
                eraseRecord: {
                  label: "Yes!",
                  className: "btn-danger",
                  callback: function() {
                      var self = this;
                      var name = self.arrayFieldName;
                      var minCount = self.minCount; // optional, overrides schema
                      var maxCount = self.maxCount; // optional, overrides schema
                      var index = self.index;
                      var data =;
                      var formId = data &&;
                      var ss = AutoForm.getFormSchema(formId);
                      arrayTracker.removeFromFieldAtIndex(formId, name, index, ss, minCount, maxCount);
                doNotEraseRecord: {
                  label: "No!",
                  className: "btn-primary",
                  callback: function() {
                    //Continue with the normal button click event                