When using displaytag the URL it's generating for paging and sorting is too long for IE.
Is there a way around this without resorting to external paging and sorting?
Hopefully this will help someone. And if there is another way, then let me know.
The way I have got round this is by excluding all parameters on the display table tag.
<display:table excludedParams="*"> ... </display:table>
Which means the url doesn't fill up with parameters.
Great, but how do you keep a handle on the list of objects that we're using?
I did this by setting an attribute on the context's request. And as I'm using the Stripes framework I did this by using the ActionBeanContext.
public class SchemeActionBeanContext extends ActionBeanContext {
public void setThings(List<Things> things) {
getRequest().getSession().setAttribute("stuff", things);
public List<Things> getThings() {
return (List<Things>)getRequest().getSession().getAttribute("stuff");
And then you can set and get them throughout the lifecycle of the page/request.