I would like to make my Liberty application to connect the Bluemix Secure Gateway'sdestination with TLS Mutual Auth. I tried to create a key store and import a cert and a secret key into the key store by keytool, but I don't know the keyalias of the secret key. I can't execute the command which imports the secret key into the key store. (The cert and the secret key were provided by Bluemix Secure Gateway's destination with TLS Mutual Auth(*))
*Bluemix Secure Gateway
Could you teach me how to know the keyalias of the secret key ? Or could you teach me any other way by keytool (not java code) to create keystore and import the secret key and cert but the following procedure ?
[the files provided by Bluemix Secure Gateway's destination]
# keytool -import -file *destination_id*_cert.pem -keystore myKeyStore.jks -storepass password -alias mutual_cert
# keytool -importseckey -keyalias XXXXX -keystore myKeyStore.jks -storepass password -storetype jks -importfile *destination_id*_cert.pem
There is an example using openssl in the documentation to create a key store using the destination cert and key.