I'm using the simple example from HTTP.Conduit's documentation found here.
import Network.HTTP.Conduit
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L
main = simpleHttp "http://www.haskell.org/" >>= L.putStr
My system requires a proxy which is set with the environmental variable http_proxy
and has the form http://user:pass@proxy:port/
Http.Conduit results in an exception with the error:
*** Exception: InvalidProxyEnvironmentVariable "http_proxy" "http://user:pass@proxy:port/"
(I've changed the details for the proxy..)
What is the issue? Does Http.Conduit not support authentication?
This is a limitation of http-client, which has now been reported and resolved. This change will get released to Hackage in the next few days, testing and success reports welcome!