I am using FEST to test my Java dialogs and I need to test that a new modal dialog is created.
public void setUp() throws Exception {
TestFrame testFrame = GuiActionRunner.execute(new GuiQuery<TestFrame>() {
protected TestFrame executeInEDT() throws Throwable {
panel = new CustomPanel();
return new TestFrame(panel);
frameFixture = new FrameFixture(testFrame);
Note: TestFrame is a helper class which extends JFrame for use in unit testing.
In my test, I click a button which makes a modal dialog appear. I am trying to find and verify the dialog is created, however all of my attempts aren't able to find anything:
WindowFinder.findDialog("Window Title")).using(robot);
Where robot =
I have also tried specifying the lookup scope of the robot:
There are lots of FEST examples online which make a call to robot()
but I can't find out how or what this robot function is supposed to be.
Why am I unable to find my newly created popup dialog?
Try adding a lookup time:
For more info: http://fest.googlecode.com/svn-history/r458/trunk/fest/fest-swing/javadocs/org/fest/swing/fixture/util/WindowFinder.html