Could you help me to implement image comparison with metric PSNR in ImageMagick using Java API (JMagick) or C# API (Magick.Net).
The command is:
convert image1.jpg -resize WidthxHeight image2.jpg -metric PSNR -format "%[distortion]" -compare info:
I've tried to find something in documentation about JMagick here: and about Magick.NET here: without result.
Thanks for your help.
I am the author of the Magick.NET API so I can only help you with the Magick.NET part.
using (MagickImage image1 = new MagickImage("image1.jpg"))
using (MagickImage image2 = new MagickImage("image2.jpg"))
double distortion = image1.Compare(image2, ErrorMetric.PeakSignalToNoiseRatio);
Feel free to edit my answer and add an example for JMagick.