
Java Hosting Package can't be installed

I'm trying to install the Java Hosting Package distributed by Helicon Zoo in order to host a java project (.war file) on IIS. The problem I'm having is that I can't install the package because Jetty 8 can't be installed.

At first it complained about Jetty 7 aswell but after I downloaded it, that was removed. This didn't however work for Jetty 8.

Error message on web platform installer (Screenshot):


Has anyone seen this before and possibly fixed it?


  • Hmm, It seems as if the url that the package is trying to fetch Jetty from: dist.codehaus.org/jetty/jetty-hightide-8.1.7/… has been shut down. I removed Jetty8 (which I manually installed to try to fix the issue, and downloaded it again from download.eclipse.org/jetty. This seems to have fixed the issue. Don't know what the issue was with the first download but maybe it was corrupt.