
How to string manipulate/extract subject contents in a CSR using OpenSSL command + Perl?

I'm currently working to extract properly each contents in a CSR file's subject. I have here a working snippet, However I got stuck when values have a slash / (ex. CSR content has OrganizationUnit = orgunit/testou) on the values. The way I'm doing to extract the contents is to use regex,split it and push that in a Hash, and throw it back in the front end. See below:

sub CSRDecode{
################Do Your Validation#########################################
my @returnInfo = `openssl req -in /opt2/myfiles/perllib/custom/OpenSSL/certreq.csr -text -noout` or die "Could not validate CSR";
my $Subj= `openssl req -in /opt2/myfiles/perllib/custom/OpenSSL/certreq.csr -subject -noout` or die "Could not validate CSR";
print $Subj;
print @returnInfo;
my $KeySize= @returnInfo[6];

my $SubjAltName =`openssl req -in /opt2/myfiles/perllib/custom/OpenSSL/certreq.csr -text -noout|grep -E 'email|DNS'`; #or die "Could not get SAN";

$Subj =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g;

print $Subj;
$SubjAltName=~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g;

my %CSRInfo=split/[=\/]/,$Subj;

print Dumper \%CSRInfo;


Input: CSR File with Subject similar to this:


Expected Output after extraction (HASH) - Note the OU content which has "/"

$VAR1 = {
          'CN' => 'commonName',
          'keysize' => 'RSA Public Key: (2048 bit)',
          'SubjAltName' => ', IP Address:',
          'ST' => 'AMER',
          'O' => 'ABCCommon',
          'emailAddress' => '',
          'subject' => '',
          'OU' => 'abcfoundation/ops1',
          'C' => 'AMER',
          'L' => 'NYC'

Currently the output is juggling because I think the regex isn't properly handling the "split". I'm referring to my %CSRInfo=split/[=\/]/,$Subj; in the code snippet. I might have some issues in my regex and I appreciate your help, Thank you!


  • Ah, ok. Yes I see. You're trying to split on a / but have a pattern including a /. This gets complicated, but I'd probably try and approach it like this:

    #!/usr/bin/env perl
    use strict;
    use warnings;
    use Data::Dumper;
    my $subj =
    my %subjinfo = ( $subj =~ m,(\w+)=([^=]*)(?:/|$),g );
    print Dumper \%subjinfo;

    This then gives:

    $VAR1 = {
              'subject' => '',
              'L' => 'NYC',
              'C' => 'AMER',
              'OU' => 'abcfoundation/ops1',
              'emailAddress' => '',
              'ST' => 'AMER',
              'CN' => 'commonName',
              'O' => 'ABCCommon'

    I think that gives what you need. This regular expression repeats, and captures pairs of 'things' on either side of an = ending with either / or 'end of line' $

    Because we're matching in pairs (last group has (?: to denote it's non-capturing) these can be directly assigned into a hash.