
use of htmlspecialchars()

I am learning php and I came across htmlspecialchars() that it is used to prevent hackers attack , How ? I have read it on google , did not understand yet.Can you please give an example how ?

<form method="post" action="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']);?>">
Website : <input type="text" name="website"><br>
<input type="submit" value="Submit" name="button">


    $website = $_POST['website'];
    echo "true";

    echo  "empty";
    echo $website;

when I enter a url like this'hacked')%3C/script%3E the output is'hacked')%3C/script%3E

when I remove the htmlspecialchars() from <form method="post" action="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']);?>"> the output is same . Why ? what is the use of htmlspecialchars() then ??

and However, consider that a user enters the following URL in the address bar:'hacked')%3C/script%3E

In this case, the above code will be translated to: (how and where this happens ?)

<form method="post" action="test_form.php/"><script>alert('hacked')</script>


  • If you don't use htmlspecialchars() the attacker may execute the code especially javascript.

    From your code try submitting the form with <h1>Hello, World!</h1> as input the result will be

    Hello, World

    and to prevent this type of attack we use htmlspecialchars()

    Without htmlspecialchars() the code gets executed

    and also submit <script>alert('alert');</script> the result will be alert box

    provide <script>alert('alert');</script> in textbox and submit.

    enter image description here

    Result enter image description here