
Engineering English not showing on UI

This is my QML code:

Text {
     id: helloText
     //: Hello World text
     //% "Hello World"
     //~ Context No specific context
     text: qsTrId("hello-world-id");
     anchors.top: parent.top

Excerpt from the Qt documentation here:

The "Engineering English" text that you see in the user interface for development builds is indicated with a //% comment. If you do not include this, the text ID will be shown in the user interface.

When I run the application, I'm seeing hello-world-id rather than Hello World, as described in the documentation. Am I missing something here?

Thanks in advance.


  • First of all you have to create .ts file with translated strings. For example, if I want to create translation for Russian locale, I do:

    lupdate main.qml -ts your_project_ru_RU.ts

    If you have several QML files you can specify it in .pro file:

    lupdate_only {
        SOURCES = main.qml \

    and so write:

    lupdate your_project.pro -ts your_project_ru_RU.ts

    this command will create untranslated file for Russian locale that you have to open with QT Linguist to translate.

    You can specify .ts files in .pro file:

    TRANSLATIONS += your_project_ru_RU.ts

    After all you have to compile the file (File/Compile in Qt Linguist). That will create your_project_ru_RU.qm.

    Finally, you must load .qm file, for example in main.cpp:

    QTranslator translator;    
    translator.load("your_project_" + QLocale::system().name());


    If you need some semblance of Qt i18n engine, without providing qm files:


    import QtQuick 2.4
    import QtQuick.Window 2.2
    import "i18n.js" as I18n
    Window {
        Text {
            text: I18n.myTr("text-id");
            anchors.centerIn: parent


    var texts = {
        "text-id": "Hello, World!",
        "another-text-id": "Goodbye, World!"
    function myTr(textid) {
        return texts[textid] ? texts[textid] : "";