
Boofcv Video Mosaic Example compile error

I added "boofcv\evaluation\visualization\src" to my normal java project in eclipse. I added precompiled libraries too. All other java files are fine except for this single line:

enter image description here


Exception in thread "main" java.lang.Error: Unresolved compilation problems: 
The constructor VideoProcessAppBase<I>(int, (color ?, imageType) : ImageType.single(imageType))) is undefined
Type mismatch: cannot convert from ImageType<MultiSpectral<ImageSingleBand>> to Class<I>
Type mismatch: cannot convert from ImageType<MultiSpectral<ImageSingleBand>> to Class<I>
Type mismatch: cannot convert from ImageType<ImageSingleBand> to Class<I>
Type mismatch: cannot convert from ImageType<ImageSingleBand> to Class<I>

at boofcv.alg.sfm.d2.VideoStitchBaseApp.<init>(
at boofcv.alg.sfm.d2.VideoMosaicSequentialPointApp.<init>(
at boofcv.alg.sfm.d2.VideoMosaicSequentialPointApp.main(

Any help appreciated.


  • It is fixed I used these to fix Errors :

    1. The evaluation library was not in pre-compiled libs.I download it and add it
    2. I deleted other java files in the same package specially the one which had error . There is only one java file in my project