Is there a difference between a getter computed property and variable that returns a value? E.g. is there a difference between the following two variables?
return sampleArray.count
get {
return sampleArray.count
A computer property with getter and setter has this form:
var computedProperty: Int {
get {
return something // Implementation can be something more complicated than this
set {
something = newValue // Implementation can be something more complicated than this
In some cases a setter is not needed, so the computed property is declared as:
var computedProperty: Int {
get {
return something // Implementation can be something more complicated than this
Note that a computed property must always have a getter - so it's not possible to declare one with a setter only.
Since it frequently happens that computed properties have a getter only, Swift let us simplify their implementation by omitting the get
block, making the code simpler to write and easier to read:
var computedProperty: Int {
return something // Implementation can be something more complicated than this
Semantically there's no difference between the 2 versions, so whichever you use, the result is the same.