BFS requires O(b^d)
memory, whereas IDDFS is known to run in only O(bd)
memory. However, when I profile these two implementations they turn out to use exactly the same amount of RAM - what am I missing?
I'm using a Tree
class with a branching factor or 10 to run the tests:
class Tree(object):
def __init__(self, value):
self.key = value
self.children = [ ]
def insert(self, value):
if len(self.children) == 0:
self.children = [ Tree(value) for x in range(10) ]
for ch in self.children:
My implementation of iddfs
def iddfs(t):
for i in range(0,8):
printGivenLevel(t, i)
def printGivenLevel(t, level):
if not t:
if level == 1:
elif level > 1:
for ch in t.children:
printGivenLevel(ch, level - 1)
def bfs(t):
currLevel = [t]
nextLevel = []
while currLevel:
for node in currLevel:
if node:
nextLevel.extend([ x for x in node.children ])
currLevel = nextLevel
nextLevel = []
The code is not really doing anything, just looping through the whole tree. I'm using to profile the code.
IDDFS's memory benefits only apply to an implicit tree, where nodes are generated as they're reached and discarded soon after. With a tree represented completely in memory, the tree itself already takes O(b^d)
memory, and the memory required for either IDDFS or BFS is minor in comparison.