
IPV6 link local multicasting

I'm trying to figure out how to do the equivalent of an IPV4 broadcast using IPV6.

I'm creating a non-blocking IPV6 UDP socket.

From the side broadcasting i'm literally just doing a sendto "FF02::1" on port 12346.

On the listen side I discovered I need to join the group so I did the following:

    ipv6_mreq membership;
    memset( &membership.ipv6mr_multiaddr, 0, sizeof( in6_addr ) );
    membership.ipv6mr_multiaddr.u.Word[0]   = htons( 0xff02 );
    membership.ipv6mr_multiaddr.u.Word[7]   = htons( 0x0001 );
    membership.ipv6mr_interface             = 0;

    if( enable )
        if ( 0 != setsockopt( m_Socket, SOL_SOCKET, IPV6_JOIN_GROUP, (char*)&membership, sizeof( ipv6_mreq ) ) )
            return false;

However setsockopt always returns "WSAENOPROTOOPT". Why? Can anyone help me on this one? I'm at a complete loss.

Edit: I change the level to "IPPROTO_IPV6" but now I get a "WSAEINVAL".


  • The interface must be set for locally scoped IPv6 because the addresses are only unique to the interface. In simpler terms the address fe80::1 can belong to both eth0 and eth1 but are completely separate.

    So this means you need to explicitly send a multicast packet on every up interface that supports multicast, or provide the user with a means of specifying a particular interface.

    (edit) If it helps you can check out multicast code here,
