
Emberjs Hashbang is getting Uncaught ReferenceError: set is not defined

I implemented the ember.js hashbang via ember-cli. So in my app/initializer folder I have an application.js that contains the solution from this previous question: Hashbang URLs using Ember.js

When I run the code it works great but when I go to another route I get:

Uncaught ReferenceError: set is not defined

But when I refresh the page it loads just fine until I try to go to another route.


will load!/nextRoute

I get a Transition #1: TRANSITION COMPLETE. but nothing Renders on the page


  • It may not be a surprise to you to hear that the problem is that set is undefined.

    In the original implementation of HashBangLocation that you linked to, there is a line at the top

    var get = Ember.get, set = Ember.set;

    In your re-implementation inside an initializer, I do not see this line. JSHint would probably find this error for you. If you look at the transpiled code, there is no definition of set in sight.

    To fix this, add the var get = Ember.get, set = Ember.set line back into your code, or use self.set('lastSetURL', null); instead.

    So if there's no set, how did get manage to work? It turns out there is a bug in Ember. At one point in the source, get is declared in global scope.