I'm running cover
from Devel::Cover
on a module and getting 50% of branch coverage in lines that use the conditional ternary operator i.e.
return @rgb ? map { hex $_ } @rgb : undef;
Is this OK? Do I have to change the code to use if/else
blocks in order to gain the 100% of coverage?
I'm new to Devel::Cover
so any insight that you could provide about this, will be really helpful.
You are not getting coverage for the false branch of the ternary, because your tests do not cover a case where @rgb
is empty. In that case, the map
will never be called, but it will return undef
(or ()
like @ikegami suggested).
The ternary is the same as this:
if (@rgb) {
return map { hex $_ } @rgb;
} else {
return undef;
So there is a branch there that has not been covered by the test.
You have several options:
has no elements# uncoverable branch false
comment as described in https://metacpan.org/pod/Devel::Cover#UNCOVERABLE-CRITERIAwrite a test case where it expects @rgb
not to have elements
is foo('no_rgbs'), undef, 'returns undef when there are no elements';