
Devel::Cover Branch coverage on conditional ternary operator

I'm running cover from Devel::Cover on a module and getting 50% of branch coverage in lines that use the conditional ternary operator i.e.

return @rgb ? map { hex $_ } @rgb : undef;

Is this OK? Do I have to change the code to use if/else blocks in order to gain the 100% of coverage?

I'm new to Devel::Cover so any insight that you could provide about this, will be really helpful.



  • You are not getting coverage for the false branch of the ternary, because your tests do not cover a case where @rgb is empty. In that case, the map will never be called, but it will return undef (or () like @ikegami suggested).

    The ternary is the same as this:

    if (@rgb) { 
      return map { hex $_ } @rgb;
    } else {
      return undef;

    So there is a branch there that has not been covered by the test.

    You have several options: