Is there a way to denote a POST parameter as optional in Perl using Mojolicious Lite? For instance, is there a way to make the server not return 404 if param2
is not defined in the request body?
post "/my_post" => \&render(post_callback);
sub post_callback {
my ($mojo) = @_;
my $param1 = $mojo->param("param1");
my $param2 = $mojo->param("param2");
My problem was that I misunderstood how mojolicious was routing to the callback. The following code works with both parameters being optional:
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use Mojolicious::Lite;
post '/' => sub {
my ($mojo) = @_;
my $param1 = $mojo->param("param1");
my $param2 = $mojo->param("param2");
$mojo->render(text => "param1: $param1, param2: $param2");
If you run this using: ./ daemon
you will be able to send POST requests with any combination of parameters.