I am have following problems in neo4j eclipse implementation :
1 . I get error with the limit function
String rows = "";
try ( Transaction ignored = graphDb.beginTx();
Result result = graphDb.execute( "match(pr:Provider)-[t:TREATS]->(p:Problem) return pr.prdes as Name, t.pprcount as Visits, limit 5" ) )
while ( result.hasNext() )
Map<String,Object> row = result.next();
for ( Entry<String,Object> column : row.entrySet() )
rows += column.getKey() + ": " + column.getValue() + "; ";
rows += "\n";
Exception in thread "main" org.neo4j.graphdb.QueryExecutionException: Invalid input '5': expected whitespace, comment, node labels, MapLiteral, a parameter, a relationship pattern, '(', '.', '[', "=~", IN, IS, '^', '*', '/', '%', '+', '-', '<', '>', "<=", ">=", '=', "<>", "!=", AND, XOR, OR, AS, ',', ORDER, SKIP, LIMIT, LOAD CSV, START, MATCH, UNWIND, MERGE, CREATE, SET, DELETE, REMOVE, FOREACH, WITH, RETURN, UNION, ';' or end of input (line 1, column 97 (offset: 96)) "match(pr:Provider)-[t:TREATS]->(p:Problem) return pr.prdes as Name, t.pprcount as Visits, limit 5"
You cannot have a comma before limits
, try
return pr.prdes as Name, t.pprcount as Visits limit 5
Since this is a global query without a defined start point its execution time will of course depend on your data size.