
Font-Awesome alternative for TextAngular

I'm using TextAngular Editor but couldn't figure how font-awesome is packaged!! I don't want to use font-awesome as I have another custom font css.

Can anyone tell me where to edit it so I can call my custom-font.css file instead and make the necessary arrangements?

I call my icons using

    <span class="icon icon-bold"></span> 

instead of the

    <i class="fa fa-bold"></i>


  • I would recommend 1 of 2 things -

    1 - Fork/branch the repository for textangular and make changes to this file

    if you do a search you will see the html you are looking to change there, (search for "fa-" , all the html for the icons is there as far as I can tell. You would just replace the fa code with your own, like the example you have in your question with icon icon-bold

    They are under the iconClass, so pulling a random one out of the source code you would change that part, see here :

    taRegisterTool('insertImage', {
        iconclass: 'fa fa-picture-o',  <<< change this to what you want

    2 - (this is assuming you don't have to use font awesome anywhere else on your project) Change your custom icons to use the fa- code. So you would essentially "overrite" the fa- calls with your own, with your custom-font.css, so your icon icon-bold would have to be changed to fa fa-bold . But again - only if you aren't using font-awesome at all on this project.