
IFERROR, INDEX, MATCH returning zeros instead of blanks

I am using the following formula:

=IFERROR(INDEX('Cleaned Post'!W:W,MATCH(Combined!$C2,'Cleaned Post'!$C:$C,0))," ")

This formula is working beautifully, except that for blank cells, it's returning "0". I would like blank cells to be return as blank.

Specifically, this is what I have

Sheet 1 (entitled Cleaned Post)

Name        Email      Age Gender   Task #1
Andrew 888@gmail.com   18    1        80
Jason  687@gmail.com   20    1        95
Judy   432@gmail.com   18    2        __
Jack   236@gmail.com   24    1        65

Sheet 2 (entitled Combined) - What I'm getting

    Email      Task#1
888@gmail.com   80
687@gmail.com   95
432@gmail.com    0
236@gmail.com   65

Sheet 2 (entitled Combined) - What I want

    Email     Task#1
888@gmail.com   80
687@gmail.com   95
432@gmail.com   __
236@gmail.com   65

What do I need to do to adjust this formula?


  • What sort of values is your formula returning? If they are text values it's sufficient to concatenate a "null string" to your INDEX/MATCH formula like this:

    =IFERROR(INDEX('Cleaned Post'!W:W,MATCH(Combined!$C2,'Cleaned Post'!$C:$C,0))&"","")

    That also works for numbers except it will convert them to text so if you don't want that you can try this version:

    =IFERROR(IF(INDEX('Cleaned Post'!W:W,MATCH(Combined!$C2,'Cleaned Post'!$C:$C,0))="","",INDEX('Cleaned Post'!W:W,MATCH(Combined!$C2,'Cleaned Post'!$C:$C,0))),"")