I am trying to enable systemd's libcryptsetup module in order to decrypt a drive at bootup through crypttab. It seems crypttab is not present because the systemd-cryptsetup-generator is missing from the systemd (216) build.
I have tried specifying the "cryptsetup" option in the PACKAGECONFIG?? statement and also specifying --enable-libcryptsetup as argument in the build but the option is disabled by the config script bitbake uses (it appends automatically --disable-cryptsetup after my enable statement)
I suspect this is because configure detected some missing dependency, therefore I tried specifying that the systemd recipe depends on the cryptsetup recipe but I ended in a recipe loop (cryptsetup depends on lvm2 which depends on systemd, so cryptsetup will not be buildable before systemd is built).
Does anyone have any suggestion or encountered a similar issue? Thanks!
Adding "cryptsetup" to PACKAGECONFIG either via a direct change in the recipe, or a bbappend or local.conf, should do the trick. What release of OE are you using, can you paste your changes, and ideally the beginning of the log.do_configure where it shows what the configure options are.
And you'll see --enable --disable if you attempted to enable it directly in EXTRA_OECONF but didn't delete the PACKAGECONFIG[cryptsetup] line which it thinks is disabled (so adds the disabled flag for you).