
Bad CPU type in executable when doing arch -i386 pip2 install skype4py

I have a problem with Skype4Py lib in Mac OS. As I know from documentation in github, in macos skype4py must install with specific arch. But when I try to use arch -i386 pip2 install skype4py I get error message Bad CPU type in executable. I am not experienced user in macos (this is been a remote control in team viewer) but what I doing wrong? Also I tried use virtualenv and at the start all be ok, but when in shell I make client.Attach() I have a segfault. Please help. Thanks in advance.


  • I'd guess Skype has finally upgraded their OSX executable to 64-bit architecture and the instructions do not apply anymore.

    Please note that Skype4Py and Skype API for desktop are discontinued. Instead, focus your development efforts on Skype web API instead: