
Android Launcher Icon Rounded Corner Edge Radii

Are there any official guidelines for how many pixels the edge radii should be when giving Android launcher icons rounded corners?

I've found guidelines for launcher icon pixel sizes (but rounded corners aren't mentioned), a tool called Android Asset Studio which rounds the corners for you (but the tool provides undesirable and non-configurable padding around the edges of each icon), and another tool called Icon Slayer (but the tool creates corners that I feel are way too round, and feel very iOS).

I've also noticed that of all the apps that I personally use that have rounded corners on their launcher icons, the edge radii almost always seem to vary from icon to icon. When I place the various icons next to each other, some look pretty close, but they mostly feel just a little bit off from each other.

Any help?


  • Check out Google's official Material Design guidelines for Icons about two thirds of the way down the page under the sub-heading Corners.
    It indicates you should use a 2px radius on the corners. If go up a few sections, under the heading Content Area you'll see this is for a 24x24 px icon. You can scale up for other resolutions from there.
