I'm trying to implement an algorithm to find the depth of a sequence expression through Clojure Zippers.
(zip/seq-zip (+ 1 (* 2 3)))
This is the way I'm interpreting a sequence to be converted into a tree data structure. Is there a direct method to calculate this through Zipper library(the depth to be calculated as 2, from the given example)?
Any suggestions would be appreciated!
You can use the following recursive approach:
(defn height [s-expr]
(if-let [sub-trees (seq (filter coll? s-expr))]
(apply max
(map height sub-trees)))
=> (height '(+ 1 (* 2 3)))
=> 1
Effectively the above treats collections as branches and everything else as leaves. You can replace coll?
with any other branch definition (e.g. list?
) that fits your needs.