I want to run certain inspection on Java project. I see this inspection working in real-time in edit window. But when I use "Analyze -> Run Inspection By Name" I can't find this inspection. Actually there is one with the same name but it's for JavaScript(tried it though, not working, as expected). Can anyone tell me exact name of inspection I need or teach me how to figure it out?
Here's code sample:
private Integer getInteger(){
//x on the line below will be highlighted by inspection saying
// "Local variable 'x' is redundant more... (Ctrl+F1)"
Integer x = 5;
return x;
Update: I managed to launch needed inspection using workaround. I created test case like above, then pressed Alt+Enter on highlighted region then right arrow key and selected "Run inspection on". This is working, but still leaves unclear how to run same inspection via "Analyze -> Run Inspection By Name"
This was caused by a bug, which was fixed in IntelliJ IDEA 14.