My project implemets inheritance via following code pattern:
ScanTemplate1.prototype = Object.create(ScanTemplateBase.prototype);
ScanTemplate1.prototype.contructor = ScanTemplate1;
Here, ScanTemplate1 inherits from ScanTemplateBase class.
Now in any .js file, content assist only suggests member functions defined in ScanTemplate1.js file. It doesn't suggest member functions inherited from ScanTemplateBase.
I am using eclipse Luna with latest JSDT version. Is there a way to enable content assist to suggest inherited member functions?
Example: ScanTemplateBase class has a function
ScanTemplateBase.prototype.getInstruction = function(){
return this.instruction;
ScanTemplate1 has a function
ScanTemplate1.prototype.getTextbox = function() {
return this.textbox;
Now, in a file main.js, I have statement
var packageScanBox = new ScanTemplate1( ..... constructor args ....);
On typing packageScanBox. and pressing Ctrl + space, it suggests getTextbox() but not getInstruction()
Thanks in advance!
Disclaimer, I'm the author of
I suggest you that you install which supports Object.create
. I have tested quickly :
As is based on ternjs, you can test your case with ternjs online demo.