
new to cpp , how do I run messagepack?

I am new to visual studio and c++ . I have downloaded MessagePack for c/cpp and opened the file "msgpack_vc8.vcproj" it opened a visual studio project with a bunch of c files and hpp file.

now , I would like to see an example of how Message Pack serializes and deserializes data.

so I created a new cpp file called main and copied the example provided here:

Github messagepack

I built the solution and when I try to run it pops up this window :

enter image description here

and I have no idea how to run the file , what should I do there?


  • I assume msgpack.vcproj is a LIBRARY project. You need an APPLICATION project to run and debug it.

    If you are using a third-party library usually you would create a new Visual Studio application project, which contains at least a main.cpp with a main function. Then you would include and link the msgpack library to your project. That's what your link suggested:

    Include msgpack.hpp header and link msgpack library to use MessagePack on your program.

    Unless you plan to develop msgpack itself, you probably won't need msgpack.vcproj directly