
Tracking pixel with javascript

I have a tracking pixel that I need to load in JS, at the click of a button. So the process is as follow :

  1. The user clicks a link
  2. I prevent the click (e.preventDefault)
  3. load the tracking pixel
  4. Redirect the user

Here is the code :

$('.btn-cta').on('click', function (e) {
   $('body').append('<img width="1" height="1" src="">');

My problem is that not 100% of the people who click are tracked, seems like about 40/50% of them are not tracked. I don't see another method to do this, do you have a better idea to track this kind of thing in JS ?

All ideas welcome.



  • Wait for the image to load, then redirect.

    $('.btn-cta').on('click', function (e) {
        var url = $(this).attr('href');
        var track = new Image();
        track.onload = function(){
            window.location.replace( url );
        // in case the tracking server is down or misconfigured (see comments)
        // otherwise the navigation would be broken.
        track.onerror = function(){
            window.location.replace( url );
        track.src = '';