
Swift and Parse - PFQueryTableViewController loadingViewEnabled

Good day! I'm using Parse for my swift project, Specifically the PFQueryTableViewController but i want to change the loading view when i open the app. It doesn't look good in my background so i want to change its color and shadow. Also its UIActivityIndicatorView. Is it possible to change this things? Here is the Screenshot for it. enter image description here

I tried searching for that method in ParseUI framework but i can't find it. I hope you can help me, Thanks!


  • Only the table controller is unique to Parse. The spinner is just a regular UI element. Thus, the iOS developer references are good places to look for this.

    Try this link for the activity spinner:

    This link shows information about the controller, which shows that it simply inherits from UITableViewController, and the cells/background can be styled accordingly.

    In general, Parse tries to prefix its objects with PF.