
Is there an inverse of the Haskell $ operator?

A quick question, is there an operator in Haskell that works like the dollar sign but gives precedence to the left hand side. I.E. instead of

f (x 1) 

being written as

f $ x 1

I'd like to write it as

x 1 $ f

This is purely a stylistic thing. I'm running a sequence of functions in order and it would be nice if I could write them left to right to match that I read left to right. If there an operator for this?

[update] A couple of people have asked if I can't define my own. In answer, I wanted to check there wasn't an existing operator before I reinvented the wheel.


  • As of GHC 7.10 (base, & is in Data.Function: https://hackage.haskell.org/package/base-