My intention would be to get at the same time, picture1.jpg
, picture2.jpg
, picture3.jpg
to video format such as picture1.mp4
, picture2.mp4
, picture3.mp4
I am currently using Mencoder and Linux bash code mencoder mf: //*.jpg -mf w = 1366: h = 768: fps = 6/60: type = jpg -ovc copy -oac copy -o images.mp4
. But this command makes all the images into one video file (images.mp4).
Can I do it with mencoder or ffmpeg? My linux bash coding skills are basic.
I found a solution that works for me as I want. Thank you to all who helped me.
#! /bin/bash
for input in *.jpg
mencoder -ovc copy -mf w=1366:h=768:fps=1/11:type=jpg -ofps 30000/1001 mf://"$input" -o $(echo $input | sed -e 's/.jpg$/.mp4/')
I am not entirely sure on what kind of videos you want, but the basic pattern for doing a conversion for a bunch of files is
for input in *.jpg
output=$(echo $input | sed -e 's/.jpg$/.mp4/')
# whatever command including $input and $output