I'm trying in every way I found to consume this API: http://www.webreserv.com/webservices/http/ServiceManager
Documentation: https://www.webreserv.com/download/webreserv-booking-system-api-xml.pdf
Keys (temporal for fixing):
Business ID: bikeatoursv
API Key: NO longer visible
XML request:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
XML Response: none or
<Error>Error on line 1: Premature end of file.</Error>
I have tried on SoapUI
, postman
and I dont know how to do this.
SoapUI error:
WSDLException (at /Response): faultCode=INVALID_WSDL: Expected element '{http:schemas.xmlsoap. org/ wsdl/}definitions'.
Please give me some help and guidance to try this API on an online tester or know how to consume it in jQuery or SoapUI by a real example using the API.
You can use any REST extension for Firefox or Chrome to make a post request and send the XML as a PAYLOAD to the server. You probably shouldn't post your API Key on here either.
EX. Using Advanced Rest Client
for Chrome
The Response
It doesn't look like the send the cross domain headers so you won't be able to make the call via javascript.