
Display Browsable 3D models in Browser

Statement: I have a 3D model ready in Google SketchUp Pro.

Problem Statement:

  1. I need to display the model in a webpage.
  2. I need the model to be browsable (The user can navigate his way through it like on Google Earth)
  3. I need the model to be update-able (If I update something in SketchUp, I should be able to easily port changes till the webpage)

Question: How can this be done?

Note: I figured out VRML could be an option, but I was unable to get that idea up and running.


  • Have you investigated the Sketchup Web Exporter plugin (still in beta at time of writing)?

    If that doesn't do exactly what you're after, you can write a plugin yourself using the Sketchup API, allowing you to write plugins in Ruby or C++.