
Rails 4 w/ Heroku RSolr::Error::Http (RSolr::Error::Http - 404 Not Found

my setup: Rails 4, Heroku with Websolr addon.

The Solr search was been working just fine for months with my Rails 4 (production) application. Then one day it quit and I went through the following stackoverflow answers and none of them worked.

Answer 1, Answer 2, Answer 3

Since I didn't have java installed at one point, they were pretty tedious to go through, but I do need to mention before I answer this that I went through all three answers BEFORE I solved it, so something I did above may have enabled it.


  • Took me a full day of sifting through answers and I was just about to gut my application and remove solr altogether.

    I solved it by going to my Heroku dashboard, clicking the Websolr addon icon which took me to the Websolr page for my heroku app. I deleted the index that was there by default and set up a new one with a new name.

    Once the new index has been created, copy and paste the text in the field labeled Configure your Heroku Application

    Lastly, I went to the terminal and entered these commands.

    $ heroku config:add WEBSOLR_URL=[url_goes_here]

    $ heroku restart

    Everything works fine now.